Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Urban peregrines 2 - feed me!

Like any other raptor a well fed peregrine is happy to take it easy.  Why waste energy if you don't have to?  This means most of the year photography opportunities can be limited.  However when there are youngsters around the extra mouths to feed creates the chances to snap a bit more action.

I really hoped to get a chance to snap a food pass from adult to juvenile, but I saw only two.  One I picked up too late to get a focus, the other too far away really, but you get the idea from these highly cropped images

The youngster then flew off to the top ledge to enjoy the scraps it had been brought.

The adults main food cache was behind the buddleia rooted into the brickwork, and clearly it wasn't always that secure ......

Most of the time though the adults would fly in and enjoy a rather rushed chance for a snack


before one of the youngsters cottoned onto what was happening and paid a visit.

I snapped a few short video segments.  If you can spare 40 seconds of your life make sure the sound is on and watch this right to the end.

Told you juvenile peregrines were noisy!

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