Friday, June 18, 2010

A bit late to start, but worth a go

I thought I'd probably blown my chance of snapping the woodland migrants this year - except maybe the spotted flycatchers, but that nest isn't at all well sited for photography. However a tip about a pair of redstarts led me to the Forest and a fun few hours trying to get them in camera range - the female (not brightly coloured, but very cute) was already primed, the male took a bit longer to join in. As the nest was way up in a tree there was never going to be a chance to catch them by finding a favoured branch near the nest hole, so the pictures are largely at ground level, and not so pretty as these by Steve Round . Still I like them enough, even though as Chris G pointed out they are looking a little bit the worse for wear (he looks at pictures with a more forensic eye than I do - I'll learn in time!). All that feeding takes it's toll.

Meanwhile on returning home I found the forest had come to our garden in the shape of a male and juvenile great spotted woodpecker. Despite it's size the male was still carefully breaking up food for the youngster. We've since heard the female was doing the same in a neighbours garden. Not great quality pic's - handheld in lowish light. I knew that 'post' would provide a photo-opportunity of some kind in the end!
As always some better resolution versions of the pictures HERE

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