but looking back through my field guides the only picture of a young stonechat would still not have led me to the correct identification. You can't beat experience. Bill Oddie says jays are the most misidentified UK birds - depending on the posture - flight or sitting, and the light the prominent colours can appear to be black and white, pink or beige, or even blue. Yet most guides will have a nice profile view where all are appropriately presented and the identification may not be obvious.
This weekend this rather cute reed bunting was posing in the wind.
From a second angle there is far more white visible on it's back than in any of my field guides, but I don't think I'm wrong again!
Google images can be a good option if you have an idea of the bird - assuming others posting pictures have it right - and the stonechat is certainly better seen there than in my books.
Insects are the bane of my life - just too many! Some flowers were swarming this weekend with what I suspect are some kind of sawfly, but no joy at labelling yet.
Hoverflies - again books of limited value I find - not worked this one out yet. Possibly Meliscaeva cinctella?
The wetlands are in full flow with second broods, and some of the birds seem to be habituating a bit more to visitors. The coot was still a bit cagey,
but my favourite little footy arses (check out one of my very early posts, or read Birds Britannica) were showing quite well, and even feeding in the open - just a little far off, and sadly into the sun.
As always check out the photo gallery - see links -
for larger and better quality views
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